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Ageing + Communication + Technologies

The cooperation with the Canadian research project ACT - Aging, Communication and Technologies makes it possible to integrate the research conducted in Graz on the topic of ageing and digitization into the international research landscape. The synergies resulting from this cooperation strengthen the project on the one hand, as Canadian expertise can be drawn upon here, and on the other hand, the research taking place in Graz is simultaneously made visible on international level.

The research project "ACT", led by the communication scientist Prof. Dr. Kim Sawchuk (Concordia University, Montreal), is formed by experts in the fields of gerontology and 'Critical Age Studies' in the areas of media, digitalization, media activism and (Digital) Storytelling as well as other research areas in the field of media, communication and technologies. The collaboration will bring this expertise to Graz and link the research areas with each other, especially since Prof. Dr. Ulla Kriebernegg, Project Manager of "App-solute News", is also an associated researcher in the ACT project.


ACT ageing + communication + technologies

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